Monday, November 30, 2020


We have all had times when we sought to acquire one thing, only to have another thing drop into our laps.

At those times there is a choice to be made: Continue seeking that which we desire or capitalize on the present, unexpected opportunity?

My situation has not been unique. I have wanted to learn the ropes of Internet Marketing from the moment I saw a TV commercial where a guy was sitting on the beach with his laptop and earning a living from the World-Wide-Web. It has been a fascinating journey. God has truly Blessed me and put me in touch with the right people, while providing me with the right tools and training to go from a novice who barely knew how to turn on a PC, to becoming a Genuine-Internet-Marketer.

Here is my story in graphic detail.

WHY? Time! I have a small farm and I need my time to belong to me – not a demanding service or corporate job. 

Photo By Madamxtra


Where? The Internet allows me to shop and sell world-wide.

How? Learning how to make my products and services visible and available to interested shoppers remains challenging – but I am learning and sharing what I learn with others.

When? I must tell you truly, that I work long hours – but they are the hours of MY choosing. Early morning or the middle of the night. I love what I do. This makes it easier to Balance my life.

Who? My customers are anyone with an internet connection who is looking for my products.

I have big plans for my future. There is no stopping me – AMEN!


Testing The Oke Waters

I recently stumbled upon through YouTube. Gurus were touting all the money to be made, simply by shortening and sharing URL links. Naturally, I signed up and added some of my own links to the mix.

The first time I attempted sharing a link on Facebook, the link was blocked due to complaints of abuse. Pasting the link in the address bar brought me to a page with the image below.

>>>>>>>>   Screenshot  >>>>>>

 It is hard to earn a living on the internet – but I have worked even harder to build my brand and protect it’s reputation. As an internet marketer, I choose to pass on gimmicky click-bait or anything that would knowingly give my customers, clients, fans, friends and followers a crappy experience.

As internet users become more savvy, weary of scams and insensitive to ads, building trust with shoppers and web-surfers, alike, is an ever-challenging accomplishment.

I sell a plethora of products online and market many others an an affiliate. I also blog, create content, graphics and build websites. It is imperative that site visitors and social media connections feel safe when clicking links posted on my pages and sites.

Endless re-directs, inappropriate landing pages and other unscrupulous tactics are not worth any amount promised by sites that play these games with people’s time and bandwidth...SMILE!!!

Monday, May 18, 2020

Getting Busy (er)

For the past year I have been laying the ground-work for a plethora of ideas swimming around in my head.



  •  Learning to use my knowledge and skills via the World-Wide-Web.
  •  Creating a profitable internet business.
  • How to master working from home, and actually getting things done!


    Then comes C-19 and the world is working from home and I am now aware that it is now or never. If there will ever be a time for me to share all the stuff I have been learning - that time is now.